We are third generation importers who work for innovative cheese makers trying to raise the flavor profile of traditional dairy cheeses. We look to source only best in class. Our school of thought is Maker to Monger. We are cheese for life.
Jasper Hill Farm milks cows and makes cheese in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. The Cellars, an underground aging facility, maximizes the potential of cheeses made by Jasper Hill as well as those made by several other local producers. Leftover whey from the cheesemaking process is fed to heritage breed pigs along with organic veggies from Pete's Greens, and offered under the VT99 Meats label.
We select, mature and sell farmhouse cheese from the UK and Ireland. We work with about 40 cheesemakers. We visit them regularly to taste their cheese with them and select the batches we want to mature and sell.
The essence of what we do has changed very little since our founding director Randolph Hodgson began seeking out farmhouse cheesemakers to supply our first shop in the early 1980’s. We believe that the time and energy we invest in understanding cheesemaking, selection and maturation gives us the necessary experience to source much of the best cheese available in the UK and Ireland.
Founded in 1933, Rogue Creamery has been a leader in the world of handcrafted cheese for decades. Their organic blue and cheddar cheeses embrace the wild spirit of Southern Oregon’s Rogue River Valley, striking a balance between old world traditions and the flavors of the Pacific Northwest. Rogue Creamery’s products have been honored with dozens of awards over the years, most notably for their organic Rogue River Blue: awarded World’s Best Blue Cheese in 2003, back-to-back American Cheese Society Best of Show wins in 2009 and 2011, and Gold in the Cheese – Cow’s Milk category at the 2018 Sofi Awards. In addition, as Oregon’s first Public Benefit (“B”) Company and a 2018 “Best for the World” B Corporation, Rogue Creamery is using business – and in their case, cheese – as a force for good in their community and environment. Rogue Creamery: People dedicated to sustainability, service, and the art and tradition of creating the world’s finest handmade cheese
Cypress Grove is an artisan goat cheese company that cares deeply about its goats, dairy, and producing award-winning cheese. Known best for its flagship goat cheese, Humboldt Fog, Cypress Grove produces sensational cheeses across three distinct lines: soft-ripened, aged, and fresh. At Cypress Grove’s model dairy, the team goes to great lengths to ensure its goats are cared for properly and humanely. The iconic Humboldt County cheese producer was founded by Mary Keehn in 1983.
At Formaticum, we protect the life of cheese and defend its flavor. Cheese is alive. Store it accordingly.
Gourmino belongs to the cheesemakers. Our skills lie in the affinage of long ripened cheeses made from raw milk. We use only the best quality cheeses selected from our own dairies.
Our dairies are family businesses that use fresh milk supplied daily by local farmers. The cheese makers not only care passionately about their craft, they also have the necessary experience spanning years of excellent work and life in cheese.
The sale of our products provides an inspiration for the future of our cheese makers and their families.
All our work together embodies the highest representation of Swiss cheesemaking.
Isigny Sainte-Mère is a cooperative company founded in 1932. Today, the company has as many as 600 farmers, producing the highest quality milk to make premier quality cheese (Mimolette, Brie, Camembert, Pont L'Évêque) and dairy products as our "grand cru" AOP butter. Thanks to its "terroir", all the products made by Isigny Sainte-Mère are traditional to Normandy, and made with all natural grass fed cow's milk.
Cowgirl Creamery cheeses are sold to over 500 stores, independent cheese shops, farmers markets and restaurants, and nationally through Whole Foods Markets. And true to their community ethos, Tomales Bay Foods continues to support and promote artisan cheesemaking, offering over 200 cheeses from all over California, America and Europe through their website and retail locations. Two decades, dozens of awards, two creameries, four retail stores and two thousand tons of cheese later, it’s safe to say they’ve earned their 10-gallon hats.